Sven Longshanks draws attention to a 30-year-old Middle Easterner that was sitting in class alongside school children and asks if the yellow vest protests could be the downfall of Macron?
A 30-year-old Arab has been sitting in school class with British children and when the children complained, the liberal teachers told them it was entirely appropriate for him to be messaging children asking them where they lived. He had also been eyeing the girls up during lunch, yet when parents started asking questions, they were dismissed for being ‘racists’.
It has now been discovered that the parents and children were quite correct in their fears and it was an adult pretending to be a child, because he knew he would be able to get away with it with the lax British controls over allowing foreigners into the country.
There will be many more than just this freeloader that we don’t know about and even he wasn’t deported after being found out. How long will our children have to put up with this in their schools? Until one of them gets raped? Even then, the authorities would probably still let it continue, after all, they have done nothing to protect our children from the grooming gangs.
Over in France the people are rising up over Macron’s hatred for his own country and love for globalism, his popularity has sunk to the lowest for any president in French history and Marine Le Pen is now the most popular politician in Gaul. She has also had a lot to do with the yellow vest protests, which people are saying are a genuine grass roots movement that was begun on social media. However there are claims the extreme Left have infiltrated it and are intent on starting violence as usual. Perhaps the French are now starting to realise they voted for the wrong president after all?
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Yellow Vests and Beard Babies – DN 118718
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