Sven Longshanks and Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson discuss the economic outlook for the year, both mainstream and alternative forecasters are spelling doom for America and the EU!
London, Washington and Paris are all starting the year in political upheaval, but there is economic uncertainty too. The IMF and major banks have been warning of another crash for some time now and the refusal of western politicians to do what is best for their own nations has a lot to do with it.
Britain should be working with America but it wont, because Trump is a woman-hater, nazi, fascist etc. America should be working with Russia but it won’t, because Russia meddled in the election, doesn’t like gays, supports Assad etc.
Instead, America is engaged in a trade war with China that can only benefit Asia rather than America and is putting sanctions on Russia that are hurting Washington more than Moscow.
Despite all the sanctions Russia is expected to be one decimal point away from the same amount of growth forecast for America, but instead of having huge debts like America has, Russia has $75 trillion stashed away in natural resources instead.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Matt Johnson
The Daily Nationalist: The Collapse of the West – DN 011019
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