Sven Longshanks looks at threats and demands from UK Gov that universities will be sanctioned if they don’t double the rate of Blacks passing with top marks.
Top grades at university are achieved by 79% of Whites, 72% of Chinese, 71% of Indian, 62% of Pakistani and only 51% of Black students. There is almost a 30 percent difference between the Black and White attainment figures, which is entirely predictable when you look at the average IQ difference between the two groups. However the British government are claiming this difference must be down to failures in the universities, rather than a failure in the students.
Time and time again the government’s own studies and statistics prove everything Nationalists say to be correct, yet instead of acting on the reality of the situation, the government insists on always blaming racism. Even the progressive Lefty lecturers themselves are calling for more to be done for Black students, but you cant fit more than a half-litre of liquid into a half litre jug.
The universities have been trying to do the impossible by changing curriculum to feature Blacks from history in subjects like philosophy and by encouraging more Black teachers to join, but giving children a child as a teacher simply because the class is made up of children is not going to improve the chances of that class passing and just because Blacks may find their own fantasy history more interesting, it wont make them able to analyse it to the standards of a high IQ White student.
There is a difference in outcome because different races are being compared and the only way to equalise them is either to cheat for the Blacks and lower standards for them, or penalise the Whites by refusing to educate them. Whites are already seeing this second option in action, as despite being the highest achievers, they now form the lowest percentage of all ethnicities attending university in Britain.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: University Disparities – DN 020419
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