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Eternal Reich: Audio Insurgency 44 – ER 030619


Top quality sounds once again tonight with every song an absolute banger and showing the limitless inspiration the White man has in perfecting melodies from his creations. Music truly is a universal language.

Our host begins with a remix of one of his own tracks that starts slowly and builds into an exotic soundscape featuring a sample of Millennial Woes put through a vocoder, which acts as a perfect build up to the bass heavy techno beats of Celeritas Tenebris taking us back to the nineties rave scene.

Misanthropix is up next with his remix of a track by Gunship, featuring eighties rock anthem vocals over a darksynth backing and a musical match made in heaven that could only be followed by synth metal maestro Master Boot Record and his latest orchestral tribute to video gaming.

Synthicide bring a house flavour to the show, a catchy head nodding number that would have been tearing the dancefloors up if it had been made back in those times.

Stark Von Oben’s offering was made for the term ‘epic’ featuring marching drums, brass refrain and fantastic shouted lyrics drawing comparisons between the fall of the Roman empire and the multicultural hell hole that we live in today.

Treueschwur start the metal section off with a similar voice to the last singer before letting rip with the punk spirit and the lead guitars, German rock has such a distinctive style you could tell what nationality they were even if they were singing in English.

Pionier are into their bass guitar harmonies and kick drums, topped with frantic riffing and operatic singing while Germanium are going for more of a punk feel with motorhead style vocals and a neat finger-tapping lead guitar intro.

Brigade 88 start with tom toms pounding and fists pumping to keep the adrenaline flowing until Entwarnung slow down the pace and switch off the distortion for a punk ballad to the martyr for peace Rudolf Hess.

Rome have a new album out full of great lyrics set to fantastic hook lines and this one is no exception with it’s chorus of ‘We used to love America’ and ‘The West knows best’.

Darkest Sky’s music is sounding a lot more involved as his writing progresses, with this one including a lot of harmonising and samples leading to a much fuller sound than his earlier ones, but sadly that finishes off the Audio Insurgency for this week. Better put another one on or play it again!

Eternal Reich and Rome are at Youtube
Celeritas Tenebris, Misanthropix, Master Boot Record and Darkest Sky are at Soundcloud
Pionier, Germanium and Brigade 88 are at 88.nsm
Stark Von Oben is at Bandcamp

00:58 Eternal Reich – The Sacred 14 – Album Remix - NEW
05:38 Celeritas Tenebris – Mercury Soda - NEW
10:17 Gunship – The Drone Racing League (Misanthropix remix) – NEW
14:28 Master Boot Record – Ocean Loaders - NEW
22:58 Synthicide – I Wasn’t Made for these Times
27:16 Stark Von Oben – There Shall Be No Rebellion – NEW on Bandcamp
34:15 Treueschwur - Das Deutsche Werde
37:54 Pionier - Deutsches Testament - NEW
42:36 Germanium – Stehen Bleiben - NEW
45:33 Brigade 88 - Ich schwore – NEW
49:48 Entwarnung - Rudolf Hess
54:58 Rome – The West Knows Best – NEW
58:37 Darkest Sky – An Experiment With Time – NEW

Presented by Eternal Reich

Eternal Reich: Audio Insurgency 44 – ER 030619


Eternal Reich's Audio Insurgency will be back on Radio Aryan next Wednesday at 4pm EDT/9pm BST
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