Welcome back for instalment #9 of the Church of the Lampshade! As always it's great to be here once again meeting up to discuss the issues in the world around us and in our declining nations, before ultimately heading in for the sermon and spiritual message of the week.
This past week we saw a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives hold a hearing on the evils of White Nationalism. We will discuss the irony of this charade, as well as why it is that we are seeing a concerted effort to conflate the terms White Nationalism and white supremacist.
When it comes to accelerationism we are actually seeing this on the part of the Marxist Left themselves, as they identify more and more regular White people and even Jews as "white supremacists" and "nazis". As outrageous as this is, I think it is a good thing because once again it drives home the point that nobody is going to be safe from the endless accusations of the Marxist left.
Speaking of the Jews, we are starting to see some of them suggest that maybe importing all this third world diversity might not be such a good idea after all. Couple this with the fact that just about the only hard core person left in the Trump administration is Stephen Miller, a Jew, and one can't help but wonder what it is we are seeing here. This is dangerous territory for me to wander into, as I know it will end with accusations of "cucking to the Jews", but my goal remains to speak the truth so wander into this territory I shall as we discuss this interesting development.
The main focus point of this show is our sermon in the Church of the Lampshade and this week's discussion is on the dangers of what you plant in your heart. We need to be wary of the sins that we commit in our heart often in the form of imaginations. While you may tell yourself that these things are harmless as you are not actually committing them in real life, the fact remains that you are committing them in your heart or as I like to phrase it: you are committing them to your heart. We need to be very careful as to what we are committing to our heart. The scripture we will be referencing this week will be: Mathew 5:27-28, Luke 11:21-26 and as a last minute addition Romans 7:14-15.
While I hope that you find this show entertaining and fun as it is meant to be, my ultimate hope is that you will find encouragement in your spirit and that we may ultimately water the seeds of your faith that you yourself may yield fruit 10 or even 100 fold. To those who do not believe this may all seem like folly and pointless, but for the believer we understand that in so doing we are actually taking the fight directly to the enemy.
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Presented by Grandpa Lampshade
Church of the Lampshade: Nationalist Not Supremacist – GL 041619
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