Sven Longshanks is joined by Florian Geyer today, to discuss the importance of ensuring that our actions are moral. The end is not justified by the means, the means are an end in themselves. If you had all the money in the world you could just purchase whatever it is you wanted instead of working for it, but the personal improvement that comes from achieving those goals for yourself would be lost.
The National Socialist army were the most moral of all the fighters in the second world war, even against immense odds, they still insisted on upholding the rules of war and treating the enemy as they would wish to be treated themselves. This meant looters would be shot and personal property of the vanquished could not be touched. In doing so, they fought a just war and even though they may have lost the fight on earth, they won the internal battle against their lower selves.
Florian and Sven discuss these subjects and examples we see of righteous vengeance being taken in the Bible, in accordance with natural and divine law. These laws are eternal, they cannot change and even though we now live in a world where to execute race-mixers and sodomites would be seen as immoral and impractical, it is still the divine ideal. Our world has degenerated as time has progressed and what was once seen as clearly the right thing to do, would now get you locked up. Conversely, what once would have been seen as immoral and unthinkable, is today seen as an acceptable way to treat people, since everybody else is doing it.
When you speak up and show that you disagree with what passes today for moral guidance, it lets others know that it is still ok to resist temptation and it encourages others to do the same. Become an oasis of political incorrectness in your community and you will be surprised by how many people will thank you for it. Everyone knows that feminism, sodomy and race-mixing are wrong, they are just too unsure of themselves to voice their own opinion on it. Our role is to set a good example in this that others will then follow.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Florian Geyer
The Daily Nationalist: Morals and Means - DN 011218
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