Sven Longshanks looks at the removal of artworks due to Jewish and Moslem intimidation, before praising poll results that predict massive wins for Farage, Le Pen and Salvini in the EU elections.
A cartoon was recently removed from the New York Times for being anti-Semitic. But all it portrayed was criticism of Trump for following Netanyahu’s foreign policy, something which Bibi has himself thanked Trump for doing.
The cartoon features the symbol from the Jewish flag on a bibidog, which Jews really hate, but why, when they chose this symbol to identify themselves on their flag?
The artist has refused to apologise, saying that he was treating Israel no different to any other country and he is right.
The Jews wish to have special privileges where they get to avoid all criticism, even when it is just and true.
The Moslem calls for censorship are just as shrill, only they are backed by threats of violence and the Saatchi gallery have just covered part of an exhibition up with cloth, to avoid offending them.
Breitbart has complained about the Saatchi gallery removing the Moslem art, but of course they wont be complaining about the cartoon removed from the NY Times.
Thankfully there is some light on the horizon, Farage, Le Pen and Salvini are all topping the polls with their respective parties leaving the opposition in the dust.
We could be about to see a huge change in the EU parliament, with the largest block in there being the Nationalist parties.
We pray they are able to put their egoes to one side for the good of Europe.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Semitic Art Censorship – DN 050719
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