Long before the mass immigration of the lower races into Britain, there were studies carried out on the subtle differences between the various ‘races’ of Britain.
We do not really have a word today that we can substitute for the original meaning of race, it started off being used exclusively for the different breeds of White people that make up a nation and was not used to differentiate between homo superior (White) and homo inferior (Black).
Although we just call them all White today, the nations of Britain are made up of many different types of White Caucasian.
Due to genetic similarity theory, these breeds would stay fairly homogenous and there would not be much marrying outside the tribe.
They would also tend to stay in the same place, so the Trinovantes of London would not be much changed from those of Brutus’ day and the Silurians of South Wales for example, also look the same today and have been in the same territory since before the time of Christ.
There has been slight changes brought about through Anglo-Saxons and Normans breeding with some of the Silures and the Gaels along the border lands, but even these mixes have been harmonious, all of them being of the same basic Nordic skull type.
The anthropological study of one’s own people in this way, was once extremely popular and the idea of it being politically incorrect would have seemed ridiculous.
This work by John Beddoe and narrated by Sven Longshanks was produced back in 1885, way before the current invasion of bipeds vastly different to us.
There are some words used in this study which have changed their meaning since then, thanks to the degradation of our race.
When the author uses the word ‘swarthy’ he means brunette. The type of White person who can stand working in the fields and on the fishing boats without getting sunburn.
This was never seen as an indicator of adulterated blood, but was just a way of classifying the different sub-breeds of White man.
Similarly where the word ‘aborigine’ is used, it is not referring to the Negroid aborigines of the tropics, but just means the original inhabitants of the island.
The original inhabitants mainly being descended from Trojans.
It is only through studying the differences that we are able to learn about anything at all and the finer the difference the more accurate the information.
If only we had continued the study of our race with such precision and respect, instead of trying to look the other way and ignoring the differences.
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations 2015: The Races of Britain I - Part 1 - Before the Romans
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations 2015: The Races of Britain I - Part 2 - After Caesar and Claudius
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations 2015: The Races of Britain I - Part 3 - The Anglo-Saxon Invasion I
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations 2015: The Races of Britain I - Part 4 - The Anglo-Saxon Invasion I
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations 2015: The Races of Britain I - Part 5 - The Anglo-Saxon Invasion I
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