Grandpa Lampshade asks how Christian nations could be so foolish as to copy the ways of foreign nations, when God always punishes this by giving those foreign nations the upper hand to punish us with.
The Church of the Lampshade 13th episode is here to cover topics of concern to your life both physically and spiritually. We are the voice of the remnant of Christianity as we continue our voyage across the ocean of clown world.
As always, we will be discussing the topics of this past week including the latest MAGA from President Trump. That's right, Trump has brought us two of the big things that we've been hoping to see since the early 2016 campaign: free drugs for homosexuals and more threats of war with Iran! MAGA! LULZ Join us as we discuss these happenings along with an entire line up of other relevant topics.
The meat of the show as always is our sermon. Why else would the show be called The Church of the Lampshade? Of course, it's not about the Lampshade so much as it is about the truth and do we have plenty of truth for you this week! We are momentarily stepping away from our meaning of life series, but we will try to get back to that next week.
This week, we will be discussing the fact that God has no problem with using the godless in order to judge those who falsely claim to be his people. I believe that a big part of what we are seeing today when it comes to the exertion of dominance in our nations by Moslems, is this very thing being carried out. Does this mean that Moslems are closer to God than we are? No, but what it does mean is that God has no problem using whatever tools he chooses to execute his judgment and it always begins with his people first.
There are any number of shows that cover news stories or things that are happening in our world today, however there is only one that ties it all in together for the remnant of Christianity and has it all make sense. That's right, you're only going to find that happening right here at The Church of the Lampshade.
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Presented by Grandpa Lampshade
Church of the Lampshade: Using the Godless – GL 051419
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