Carolyn Yeager talks to Sven Longshanks about the final Fatherland issue & America declaring war on Germany, before discussing Poland’s rejection of Jewish demands for restitution & refusal to meet an Israeli delegation to discuss it.
The Fatherland issues have finally come to end with some articles about how Belgian workers were expecting to be employed by Germany near the end of the war, as all the Germans were away soldiering.
This was portrayed by Britain as slave labour prisoners working in cruel conditions, but the majority of these workers were voluntary. The Fatherland then found reports on American treatment of the Philipinos during that war, which was far worse.
Sadly this did not have the desired effect though and America entered into the war, causing the Fatherland to cease publication under that name.
Poland have become one of the few countries to reject Jewish attempts to extort money from them for damages during the war. They have even gone so far as to turn away an Israeli delegation that were already in Poland, so resolute are they in not paying any money, but America has now started interfering on the side of the Jews, by making a law to use America’s might to force countries to pay whatever the Jews demand from them.
This comes soon after America set up a special department to monitor anti-Semitism around the world.
Is this really what people voted for when they elected Trump?
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Carolyn Yeager
The Daily Nationalist: America the Glorified Jewish Bailiff – DN 051519
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