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Eternal Reich: Audio Insurgency 54 – ER 051519


Sven Longshanks stands in for Eternal Reich& takes us on a journey from synthwave to a virtuoso piano recital, stopping on the way for techno, neo-folk, hard rock, punk, neo-classical & even a rare form of of dubstep metal.

Chaos Vector opens the show demonstrating his technical expertise at crafting a belter of a darksynth tune preparing the way nicely for a classic from Tommy ‘86 showing his talent for nu-disco basslines and orchestral arrangements.

Halindir is charming the spring flowers from their sleep and getting ready to groove to the minimal but melodic sound of Russian electro musician Behaviourist, while Celeritas Tenebris keeps with the techno vibe bringing back the kick drums and effects to pummel you into submission.

Vigilant turn up the amps and strap on the guitar, before masterfully blending it with dubstep and death metal kickdrums for a monster of a tune to finish off the electronica section, and Ursinne continue with the effects but ten times as fast as they rip the lid off the metal portion of the podcast.

Akzent keep the standards high and the head nodding for an epic blast of power metal featuring amazing guitar soloes and Veritas Germanica go for more of a traditional Teutonic metal sing-a-long style.

Off to Switzerland next and you’ll have your work cut out trying to sing along to this one, best to just start slamming instead to the tub pounding and fret sliding.

Blutrein bring a familiar voice to the party alongside some absolutely mental drumming and frantic riffing, before we slow the pace down to prevent sensory overload with Piarevaracien from Belarus and their folk tinged melodic metal overlaid with violins.

Heading to Australia next for a bit of acoustic blues courtesy of Fortress and then we are right back over the other side of the word in the Netherlands for a band called Gealdyr, utilising folk instruments and shamanic chanting over a forest trance beat.

That leads us straight into Orkforge with a neo-classical power march and then it’s time for the closing piece, a virtuoso piano recital from the National Socialist pianist.

Chaos Vector, Halindir, Behaviourist, Celeritas Tenebris and Gealdyr are at soundcloud
Ursinne, Veitas Germanica, Erschiessungskommando, Blutrein and Fortress are at  88.nsm
Orkforge are at bandcamp

01:23 Chaos Vector - Reflexive Control - NEW
05:06 Tommy '86 - Citymulation (feat. Perturbator)
09:07 Halindir - My Springflower (Our Song Woke The Trees) II - NEW
12:12 Behaviourist - Rising Sunset - NEW
17:12 Celeritas Tenebris – Exsanguine - NEW
21:27 Vigilant – Eternal Descent
28:16 Ursinne - Var Ar Du Varg - NEW
30:50 Akzent - No Heroes are Waiting Here
35:08 Veritas Germanica - The Morning Will be Ours - NEW
39:08 Erschiessungskommando - Tag der Vergeltung - NEW
42:26 Blutrein - Ode - dem Bazillus - NEW
46:59 Piarevaracien - Zorka
52:35 Fortress (Scott & Steve) - White Pride - NEW
55:50 Gealdyr – Valhalla - NEW
58:25 Orkforge – Age of Power - NEW
02:02 NS Pianist - We Are Number One

Presented by Sven Longshanks

Eternal Reich: Audio Insurgency 54 – ER 051519


Eternal Reich's Audio Insurgency will be back on Radio Aryan next Wednesday at 4pm EDT/9pm BST
See the dailyradio schedulefor more Nationalist content available for download.
Contact Eternal Reich here.
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