Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Lampshade look at the new face recognition technology being trialled by Police in Britain, at the same time States in America are banning it.
Despite being wrong 96% of the time and wrongly identifying 2,000 fans at a sports game as criminals, UK police have been using face recognition technology in London.
They even fined a White man for pulling his scarf up as he went past in an attempt to avoid having his face logged and analysed by them.
There are many problems with this software besides it being wrong all the time, if the police are allowed to use it then it means they can track anyone they like, wherever they like through cctv.
Besides this, the tech is viciously anti-White as it only works on White people.
The usual excuse of silicon valley needing more Black software engineers to ‘fix’ the problem has been trotted out, but the fact of the matter is that unless there is a spotlight on a Black face, cameras are just not going to be able to pick out any features and even if they could, Black faces are all so similar it would not be able to tell them apart.
Google were not even able to prevent their face recognition software from identifying Blacks as ‘gorillas’ so they simply removed the tag for gorilla and Blacks remain unidentified by the app.
It seems they have done the same with the face recognition technology and in some forms it does not even register anything there when it sees a Black face.
San Francisco has now banned the technology and other States may follow, but nobody is pointing out how racist against White people it is to only identify them as criminals and not Blacks.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Lampshade
The Daily Nationalist: Anti-White Face Recognition Technology – DN 051719
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