Sven Longshanks looks at responses to a church hiding the cross to appease Moslems & a doctor banned from practising for an alleged hate crime, before discussing the African invasion of Charles de Gaulle airport on Sunday.
Moslems believe that they have divine blessing to invade our countries and rape and pillage. What else is there to explain our reaction to it?
We cover up their crimes in our media if we charge them at all with them, we make it illegal to criticise them or their religion and we give them priority for employment.
The latest piece of appeasement is a church hiding it’s cross and religious paintings, to encourage Moslems to come in and pray to Allah inside.
This idea was dreamt up by a Anglican priestess, but has thankfully been stopped by the church authorities who said there is no ‘Abrahamic faiths’ and that Islam is antithetical to Christianity.
The Moslems may think they have God’s blessing, but every nation in the past that God used to chastise his people with, ended up being destroyed completely afterwards.
The public are waking up to this, as evidenced by the widespread support for populism and a doctor who was accused of racial discrimination for asking a mohamadess to remove her niquab. He has had so much local support from his community that there is now an online petition.
In France the invaders are getting so bold that they were able to grind the Charles de Gaulle airport to a halt for 3 hours on Sunday, with hundreds of them barging into the terminal and demanding free citizenship for themselves.
The sooner the populist wave drowns all these appeasers and we get real Nationalists in charge to fix the mess they have made, the better.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Moslem Appeasement – DN 052019
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