Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Lampshade look at an attempt to distract from the real crimes against children in Britain by re-framing brown girls using beauty products to mean they are being bullied for their skin colour.
The BBC are trying to shame White people by claiming the poor oppressed brown children who have been handed our inheritance on a plate are having to use skin whitener because White children don’t want to be friends with them.
If this is true, then why do they continue using skin whitener all their lives along with wigs and White people’s hair transplants? They use these beauty products because Whites are objectively beautiful, which they do not understand is down to proportion and symmetry as they think painting themselves white will have the same effect.
We are supposed to be shocked that there were 10,000 under 18 ‘victims’ of so-called hate crimes last year including such horrifying atrocities as being called names.
The real story of crimes against children in Britain are the White child victims of the grooming gangs, which can be calculated from one former Labour MPs experience as being 338,000 a year.
The fact the community that is responsible for at least 84% of those rapes has seen a small rise in people criticizing them, should be seen as remarkable or even supernatural restraint in the White population, not some kind of black mark against them.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Lampshade
The Daily Nationalist: Skin Whitener Hate Crime Victims – DN 053119
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