Sven Longshanks tackles Dr E Michael Jones’ recent controversial statements on race, civilisation and ethnicity that some see as insulting to Whites.
Dr Jones statement that describing Whites as ‘Whites’ deprives us of our ethnicity is correct and he is also correct when he says that it was moving Blacks into White areas that did this.
When he calls his German ancestors barbarians, that is just the term the Romans used to describe countries outside the empire.
He is also correct when he says Europe did not have a civilisation before Christendom.
The Europeans were technically proficient however, just the same as the Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, Egyptians etc were, the Whites in Europe just did not have the numbers, the climate or the need to build a civilisation at that time.
The answer to his question of what IQ his ancestors had, is the same IQ that he has, since intelligence is an inheritable trait.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Negroes and Barbarians – DN 061119
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