Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Lampshade discuss the African love for bushmeat, including chimpanzees, rats and humans.
Chimpanzee meat is being sold in Britain as a delicacy for negroes to consume on special occasions.
Because the ape family are so similar to humans, there is a huge risk of diseases like ebola being spread to humans through this practice.
But that isn’t all the negro eats as part of his natural diet, humans are also eaten regularly all over Africa as a delicacy or as a part of their juju magic religion.
As proof that this is a racial problem and not a religious one, even African ‘Christians’ are known to go on mass cannibal binges.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Lampshade
The Daily Nationalist: African Delicacies – DN 061419
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