In episode 18 Grandpa shows how an occupied government can function without obvious signs of foreign rulers before explaining how to make sure you are following God and not just yourself.
In our pre-sermon discussion this week, we'll be looking at the difference between an overtly occupied government vs a covertly occupied government such as we have today. Please note that this discussion is not a propaganda based one, but instead a nuts and bolts discussion of how our western democratic governments actually function in reality.
I had planned to finish our "Meaning of Life" series in the book of Ecclesiastes but alas, we're going to have to put that off for one more week as this week we have a sermon via a listener question/comment.
We will be discussing how one truly knows that you are a part of the remnant of Christianity. How do you know that you are truly bucking the trend for the sake of righteousness and not instead simply rebelling and attempting to shape things how you want the, rather than how God wants them. This is a very important topic as at some point in time, you are virtually guaranteed to face this question.
As always, thank you so much to those who continue to support our efforts here at The Church of the Lampshade. We are soldiering on, speaking uncomfortable truths in a world that demands adherence to a narrative of lies. If you wish to be a part of supporting our message, the information is below.
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Presented by Grandpa Lampshade
Church of the Lampshade: This Government is Occupied – GL 061819
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