Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at Jewish ritual murder and the Jewish professor who thoroughly investigated it, expecting to be able to debunk the many claims of it made throughout history.
This week's lecture concerns a perennial issue in Russian and Jewish history, that of ritual murder.
This is the claim that extreme sects, with the protection of Jews in general, murder young Christian boys and use the blood in the Seder or Passover rituals as a sign of victory over the church. This broadcast will use the little known work from Professor Ariel Toaff, Passover of Blood: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders (Lucchese-Gianetti Editori, 2007), as its starting point. As a professor at the University of Tel Aviv, his acceptance of the “blood libel” charge is significant. After hundreds of threats on his life and the destruction of his good name, he has withdrawn the book from circulation.
In most cases, the child has been entirely drained of blood. In addition, the murder takes place near Passover and the wounds on the body of the victims are often made with substantial surgical skill.
The best known of these poor victims are William of Norwich, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, and Simon of Trent. In Russia, Gabriel of Bialystok is venerated as a martyr for this reason. St. John Chrysostom called the synagogue a “dwelling of demons.” The same goes for St. Cyprian and they were not just talking about compound interest.
Ritual murder is a fact of history. How deep it goes among the Haredi is another matter. It’s origin is in the Gospel. Christ confronts the Jews directly: “You do not know Me, nor My Father; if you knew Me, you would know My Father. . . Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfil your father’s lusts; he was a murderer from the beginning ”(John 8: 19-44). Organized Jewry turned from the Logos and sought Anti-Christ, their “messiah” that can only arrive when the Gentiles are already crushed in defeat. Therefore, these ritual murders are tied in to Jewish messianic expectations. The torture and murder of young Christian boys is a symbol for the destruction of the church, the family and innocence in general.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Prof Ariel Toaff and Ritual Murder – TON 070319
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