Sven Longshanks talks about some downtime with the main site, before discussing a new UK report showing more young Blacks in prison than Whites, for the first time ever.
The main website is down due to censorship from Google, because they cant stand other people having a different view to them and legally discussing those different views between themselves on the internet.
This is rather like a typewriter company banning the use of their typewriters, or a paper company banning the use of their paper, by their political opponents.
It is pathetic and childish, but was expected and we will be back to normal service soon.
All podcasts, streams, comments and the chatroom can still be accessed and new articles and podcast links will be on Gab for now.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: New Figures Demonstrate Sheer Extent of Young Black Crime Wave – DN 071619
The Daily Nationalistwill be back on Radio Aryan tomorrow at 12pm EDT/ 5pm BST
See thedaily radio schedule for more pro-White audio available for download
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