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Church of the Lampshade: Societal Collapse – GL 072319


Grandpa Lampshade busts some of the myths around societal collapse and the desire for a new civil war, before explaining the need for being a good shepherd in today’s society.

Instalment #23 of The Church of the Lampshade is coming your way this week after a Radio Aryan shoah. That’s right, they shut us down and we come right back with the truth! Special thanks to Sven Longshanks for the tireless effort he puts in when it comes to keeping the Radio Aryan network up and running. Also, thank you to those who support this show financially and all that we are trying to accomplish here.

In our pre-sermon discussion this week, I thought we’d discuss the often looked at topic of civil war 2.0 vs societal collapse. While obviously I don’t have a crystal ball and cannot see the future, I do have some theories and ideas as to what societal collapse could potentially look like. More importantly, I have a pretty good idea what it won’t look like. When I see these discussions taking place online, someone will inevitably bring up something like, “The government will just drone strike you!” This is silly and a part of that may be the fact that people will often conflate a civil war 2.0 and societal collapse as being the same thing. Then some people act as though a civil war 2.0 is going to involve like uniformed citizen armies or something. I lean more toward a societal collapse scenario. No matter what you envision when it comes to this topic, we’re going to discuss it here.

The centerpiece and highlight of this show is always our sermon and this week is no exception as we take a look at the book of Titus and discuss how we should live as well as what we have lost as a society. Why is it the youth seem to be so misguided? Yet, where are the guides? Is it any wonder that people are lost when there is no one to guide them through unfamiliar territory? In your youth, it is your responsibility to try to put aside your worldly lusts and passions to try to live by faith but as you get older, it becomes your responsibility to lead the younger generations by example. “How?” you ask? Don’t worry, the answer is all right here!

Again, thank you for taking the time to listen to this show. There are any number of shows you could listen to or other things you can do besides listen to this and I am always humbled that you take the time to tune in. It is always my prayer that you will receive a blessing for having done so. If you wish to be a part of financially supporting the show, that information can be found below.

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Presented by Grandpa Lampshade

Church of the Lampshade: Societal Collapse – GL 072319


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