Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Lampshade look at Netanyahu getting banned from Facebook and the Koch brothers taking out adverts to encourage people to support Facebook and Google.
Bibi is in trouble for saying Arabs want to kill us all, but instead of losing his entire Facebook page he just gets a 24 hour ban.
He is on the campaign trail at the moment, promising to invade Palestine in exchange for votes.
In anticipation of Trump forcing Facebook to obey free speech law, the Koch brothers are taking out adverts pretending that anti-trust laws are being misused against Zuckerberg.
Surely this in itself though shows that Facebook are colluding with the Koch brothers and have a monopoly?
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Lampshade
The Daily Nationalist: One Law for Them and Another for Everyone Else – DN 091319
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