Ten new tunes, three almost new and a remix of a classic fashwave piece to keep your foot tapping and your head nodding, in appreciation of our wonderful White truth-seeking musicians.
PSYK begin with a retro number and a bassline straight out of the eighties acid house scene complete with female vocal sample, ready for HeartBeatHero to run with, adding decade-specific synth parps and hand claps.
Traversing the Divide plays with the time signatures adding flange effects and trills before Spiritual Rebirth blast the horns and hammer the kettle drums, in an admirable attempt to revive the European spirit with the harder end of the martial industrial genre.
Blut Adler brings a familiar voice to his darksynth remix of a Cybernazi classic, barely exploring the outer limits of the original in time for Lyde to strut their stuff mixing darksynth with disco and featuring plenty of instrumental voice.
Powercyan rocks out with metal guitars and funky synth sounds getting us ready for the folk metal of Verikalpa and a variation on a classic piano theme with strings and a fuzz box.
XIV Dark Centuries start with a medieval jig that soon turns into a six-stringed duel with the devil being chased by a hearty voiced male choir, only to be overtaken by the lead guitar intro of viking meal band Heathen Foray.
Mjød open with chugging riffs and Russian bag pipes sounding similar to Vapor Heimis, leading us into the effects laden lead soloes of Fenriswulf from South Africa.
Atavicus play so fast you can only just make out the spaces, with string melodies and harmonies overlaid at quarter speed until the acoustic middle, followed by nifty soloes and brass through to the end.
Kaias Wolfson & Thorhall Vargr play us out with classical acoustic guitar and cellos in a tribute to Leni Riefenstahl for her 100th birthday back in 2001.
PSYK, Lyde & Powercyan are at Bandcamp
HeartBeatHero are at Soundcloud
Traversing the Divide & Fenriswulf are at Youtube
Heathen Foray are at Massacre Records
Verikalpa, XIV Dark Centuries & Mjød are at Hammerstorm
00:44 PSYK - Cruel World - NEW
05:19 HeartBeatHero - Star Lights - NEW
08:56 Traversing the Divide – Redefine - NEW
13:34 Spiritual Rebirth - Honour and Wisdom
18:18 Blut Adler - Galactic Lebensraum (BlutAdler Remix)
23:29 Lyde - Burn It All - NEW
28:23 POWERCYAN - The Wanderer (Gregorio Franco Remix) - NEW
32:05 Verikalpa - Verimaat - NEW
36:24 XIV Dark Centuries - Runibergun - NEW
40:27 Heathen Foray – Essenz - NEW
45:22 Mjød - Мелодия Смерти - NEW
49:00 Fenriswulf - Valhalla Awaits - NEW
56:42 Atavicus - Come Nasce Un Eroe
03:51 Kaias Wolfson & Thorhall Vargr - Geliebt, Verfolgt & Unvergessen
Presented by Sven Longshanks
Sven Longshanks: Audio Insurgency 94 – AAI 030520
The Audio Insurgencywill be back on Radio Albion next Thursday at 2.30pm EDT/ 7.30pm GMT.
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Artwork by Blut Adler
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