Grandpa Lampshade looks at how covid is being used an excuse to push communism, before explaining the need to fix the nation and not break it.
Sadly, everything in our society today is centred around two things: Covid and commies. Whether we like it or not, this is what is dominating people’s thoughts and conversation and like it or not, we will discuss these things once again this week. While this may be tiring for all of us, we will be attempting to present them in a context that you won’t have heard anywhere else. However, before wading off into the swamp of Covid, we start recognizing those who financially support this show.
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It is of course, pretty much impossible to escape the topics of Covid and commies. They are acting in concert to condition to obedience and prepare us for fundamental change to society. You see, society is the people so in order to change society, it is necessary to change the people themselves. The more fully you understand all of this, the more you will be able to resist what they are attempting to achieve. To put it another way: the less they are able to change the people, the more prone to failure their plans become.
This week’s always anticipated sermon (or the Christian specific segment) falls right in line with the rest of the discussion. In what way does how you live your life and how you hold to the truth effect the downward spiral of the nation? Many will proclaim that they want to “Fix the nation” and yet, how do they propose that be done? Usually the answer comes down to some form of simply changing the government. They have fallen into the fundamental error of mistaking the government for the nation. The nation is the people and if you want to fix the nation, you have to fix the people. It really comes down to the flip side of what we can observe the commies are attempting to do, where they are trying to break the people, we are trying to heal them.
It will no doubt boggle your mind how fast this hour or so will fly by. No doubt, much will be discussed and you will be left with much to consider, ponder and think about. That’s okay as you’ll have a whole week to do that before once again we all return here for the next gathering of The Church of the Lampshade.
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Presented by Grandpa Lampshade
Church of the Lampshade: Covid and the Commies – GL 063020
Church of the Lampshadewill be back on Radio Albion next Tuesday at 2.30pm EDT/ 7.30pm BST
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