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Sven Longshanks: Audio Insurgency 139 – AAI 012121


Use of music does not imply endorsement by the musicians of our views, or us of theirs

Lots of synths tonight, ambient and industrial, plus epic atmospheric black metal and folk, from all around the White world.

Iron Marshall begins with heavy martial industrial kickdrums, almost a house riff and plenty of drops, followed by chillwave sunshine music from For Null with Jason Kohne guesting.

Aeturna blend ambient with trip-hop to get your foot tapping to a cheerful melody, followed by funky synth-bass with cosmic swirls and a faster pace from Wolfgaze.

Fixions bring a cyberpunk edge with classical influences leading us into the revved up rave sounds and growling industrial vocals of Noise Resistance.

TourDeForce break into a funky electro-rock number with plenty of distorted guitars, teasing us into the bagpipe metal and Duetsche rock of Tanzwut.

SvaDaRa build up layers of Aryan female chanting and far eastern flavours among the effects, contrasting with the masculine energy of German metalcore smiths Painful Awakening.

Sorus begin with jaunty soloes before settling into a viking chug-a-long, followed by pipe playing and trad-female harmonies from Hungarian folk metal band Isatha.

Elderwind come crashing back onto the scene much harder than before but with hints of their ambient past, leading us into the hypnotic psychedelic black metal riffing of Iscuron.

Olivia Key’s harmonising rounds the podcast off with a piano ballad topped with muted effects and rhythms.

Aeturna, Fixions, For Null, Wolfgaze – Soundcloud
Elderwind, Iron Marshall, Isatha, Iscuron, Noise Resistance, Sorus, SvaDaRa – Self Released
Olivia Key – Youtube
Painful Awakening – OPOS Records
Tanzwut – AFM Records
TourDeForce – Space Race Records

00:58 Iron Marshall - Manifest of Violence - NEW
07:35 For Null and No White Guilt – The Spirit of the West - NEW
11:26 Aeturna – Auxgeist - NEW
17:10 Wolfgaze – The Elementals - NEW
21:10 Fixions – This is the End - NEW
25:23 Noise Resistance – Awakening
30:59 TourDeForce – The Great Replacement - NEW
35:08 Tanzwut - Vorbei ist Vorbei - NEW
38:54 SvaDaRa - Asta Purvam – NEW
45:22 Painful Awakening - Wake Up - NEW
48;14 Sorus - Veereb Me Rada - NEW
52:02 Isatha - Feast With The Fallen – NEW
58:10 Elderwind - The Relict - NEW
05:48 Iscuron - The Silent Storm - NEW
13:22 Olivia Key – If I Told You – NEW

Presented by Sven Longshanks

Sven Longshanks: Audio Insurgency 139 – AAI 012121


The Audio Insurgencywill be back on Radio Albion Thursday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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