Ben Raymond, the former spokesman for National Action when the group of activists were still legal, joins us today for some analysis of the recent trials of former National Action members.
The first trial covered is the ‘sticker’ one. Up until NA were banned, there had been no criminal charges against any members, but once the ban was in force and the organisation dissolved, four people were arrested for putting stickers up at a university the year before. Instead of them being treated like others had before in the case of stickers, the CPS retroactively applied the law and accused them of being being members of a terrorist group. One of those now incarcerated did not even put a sticker up, but because he was with the group he was jailed. Since the four were jailed, one has been seriously beaten and stabbed through the neck. He was left to bleed to death on a cell floor and would have died, if his cell mate had not broken silence and called for help after 6 hours.
Ben was there at this trial and now reporting restrictions are lifted, he fills in the gaps for us that the mainstream media left out.
After that we move to the ongoing trial of Jack Renshaw and five others, for being members of a proscribed group. The press were keen to cover this, even setting up a live updates section at the Independent, however that soon stopped after two days and it has now become hard to find details of what has transpired. The reason for this is that the prosecution’s story is unbelievable. Their main witness was being paid thousands of pounds by Hope Not Hate to come up with some evidence to fit their pre-conceived narrative.
Jack Renshaw admitted plotting to kill an MP, but it looks like what he was really doing is planning his own suicide-by-cop. He had clearly become mentally unbalanced with all the state pressure that had been brought to bear upon him and we should remember someone else involved in a similar trial actually succeeded in killing himself because of it. The Judge in the first trial had said they were trying to disrupt Nationalists and this is how they go about doing it.
Ben reads out some of the court transcripts from the trials so we can get a better idea of what really went on.
Presented by Sven Longshanks with Ben Raymond
Aryan Britannia: Stabbed for Putting Stickers Up – 070218
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