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Aryan Britannia: Treason May’s Brexit Shambles – AB 070818

AB 070918

Sven Longshanks and Max Musson discuss the child murder on the isle of Bute, Theresa May’s Brexit failure, the historic BNP bookshop and Labour anti-Semitism in this week’s episode.
Alesha MacPhail wasn’t just murdered, she was raped before her death and this happened in a Syrian refugee resettlement zone. The killer was a teen, was known to the family and was charged with the murder in a closed court where no members of the public could see who he was. Since then, there has been a complete press blackout, but not before some reports contained the phrase ‘we will not let this divide the community’. There is a high chance this atrocious act was carried out by one of the ‘refugees’, as this sort of thing regularly seems to happen around them.

On the same day the unknown teen was charged, Theresa May unveiled her great Brexit plan to the Conservative party. This plan of hers has been roundly condemned by all Brexiteers as leaving the EU in name only but not in action. It would mean Britain was in the same position as Switzerland or Norway, forced to still obey EU statutes but unable to have any say in it’s direction. This could well lead to a failure to get this through parliament, which would lead to a leadership challenge and a general election. The worst case scenario would be Sajid Javid as Prime Minister and the public voting to stay in, but Jacob Rees Mogg could still find a backbone and make a bid for the top spot.

Years ago when British Nationalism was in better shape, the BNP had it’s own book shop. This wasn’t just any book shop however, it was possibly the most well defended book shop in history. It had concrete bollards on the pavement outside, steel plating and reinforcements all around, rolls of barbed wire surrounding it and a subterranean entrance at the rear. It was the target of numerous attempts to burn it down and at one point, an enraged mob of 50,000 Leftists attempted to storm the building. Max recounts the history of the book shop and explains why the police surprisingly ended up preventing the antifa army from getting their way, before finishing the podcast with an update on the latest episode in the Labour anti-Semitism saga.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson

Aryan Britannia: Treason May’s Brexit Shambles – AB 070818

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