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Radio Free Northwest: T-Shirt Youth – RFN 071918

rfn 071918

Harold Covington starts this week’s podcast with an audio clip from Rico, who is moving to the northwest after losing his job due to his skin being the wrong colour. He mentions the tee-shirt youth, which is Harold’s name for the large numbers of rootless White youth from single-parent families, who have nothing but the tee shirt on their backs. They move from basement to shelter and are usually unemployed or only partially working on short term contracts. Many were thrown out of the house for drug use or for saying something politically incorrect at the dinner table. They have no prospects, as they are the wrong age, skin colour and gender. But they could have a future in the North West Front, if we could reach them.

The Trucker is up next calling in from Colorado with a reminder of how hard it used to be to trek from the south to the north at the speed of your oxen. Metotronik then talks about the phenomenon of White flight and how people who wish to take the whole country back, are thinking emotionally rather than logically. When it becomes necessary to spill blood or face incarceration, only 3% will engage the enemy, the rest will always flee. Those who claim we must stand our ground, are refusing to acknowledge reality.

Harold finishes the podcast by talking about his suspension from Twitter. He didn’t have thousands of followers and the offensive tweet was pretty tame compared to some. ‘It is better for White people to die on their feet than to live on their knees’. Leftists are claiming they were responsible, as this tweet was supposedly ‘promoting suicide’ but Harold does not feel that Twitter is that effective a propaganda tool anyway. It was taking up far too much of his time for the small amount of interest in the NWF that it actually generated.

Presented by Harold Covington

Radio Free Northwest: T-Shirt Youth – RFN 071918

Download (01:00:42)

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