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Thoughts of the Day: Full Force Shutdown – GL 082118

gl 082218

In a shocking turn of events, we'll be discussing the Jews this week on Grandpa Lampshade's Thoughts of the Day. Thank you as always for joining us once again, I appreciate all of you listeners and especially those who have contributed to the efforts both here on the show and at the Semitic Truth Center.

The Jews have now come out in full force in their attempt to keep the great awakening from happening. This is good, for the more the Jew exposes himself to the masses the more he exposes his true nature to them at the same time. The people cannot help but start noticing the correlation between the truths we have spoken about and the very actions of these kikes. As an example: while the Jew demands his Holocaust fairy tale be treated as some sort of holy and sacred event, he openly mocks and relishes the murder of White people world wide regardless of where they come from. People who have been convinced that the Jew is somehow their great ally and we must stand with Israel, need to understand that the Jew will never see you as some sort of ally or equal partner but instead will always look upon you as nothing more than stupid livestock to be used by them.

The Jew works continuously to muddy the waters. Sometimes they do this themselves but often they will use shabbos lackeys to accomplish this task. The point is to leave so confused and turned around that you have no idea which way is up or what the truth even is. Think about this: nobody gets banned for naming the deep state, the illuminate or the lizard people. No, people only get banned and attacked for naming the Jew.

No listener questions/comments this week so we head straight into the Church of the Lampshade. This week we will discuss your struggle against the sinful nature. The longer you struggle to walk in the spirit at some point you will become discouraged, as you find that the sinful nature does not go away and in fact can seem as though it becomes stronger. However you should remember that the natural order of things is a state of balance. Thus, as you grow in the spirit it's only natural that your sinful nature will try to drag you back and you will find yourself in a state of struggle. Do not be discouraged! This isn't a sign that you have been abandoned by God. In fact, it's just the opposite.

As always I hope that there is something in this week's world wide listened to show that you get something out of. A lot of effort goes into these podcasts and the goal is always to inspire you, provoke you to thought and encourage you. If we can accomplish any of these things then we are having success. So stay strong and stay tuned to Grandpa Lampshade's Thoughts of the Day.

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Presented by Grandpa Lampshade

Thoughts of the Day: Full Force Shutdown – GL 082118

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