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Eternal Reich: Audio Insurgency 26 – ER 103118

er 103118

A special spooky Halloween episode full of shocking synths and screaming guitars this week and even a bit of ethno-ambient from Russia to get you in a festive mood.

Elessar starts things off by inviting us into the ‘Ghost House’, a dark and menacing dance tune with synths filling the role of lead guitar solos while Chaos Vector draws us in further, with a breakbeat accompaniment for that Hammer horror movie soundtrack that everyone loves.

Hollywood Burns are letting the theremins rip with their tribute to fifties sci-fi movies, ‘Black Saucers’, War of the Worlds has got nothing on this artist.

Master Boot Record is firing on all cylinders with ‘Crash’, a turbo charged speed metal tune played entirely on his computer and then it’s back to the more traditional electronic fare with Kangz of Blitz, who start out with a slow disco beat before switching gears halfway through to end on a drum and bass high.

Mr Bond is busy making lampshades in the camps with his latest parody rap based on the wildest Hollywood holohoaxes imaginable. MFV is up next, a quality rap act from Germany who appears to be banned in his native country and across Europe on Youtube, despite making some very professional looking music videos.

Time for some melodic metal and who better to start the section off than Confident of Victory with a cover version of another great German band Frontalkraft. This track has a classic Iron Maiden feel to it, all galloping basslines and twin guitars.

Dirlewanger are keeping it simple in an AC/DC style with their ‘White Power Rock ‘n Roll’, the perfect lead up to grungey singalong ‘Halt de Fresse’ from Anthrazit which actually translates as ‘zip your lips’.

Blitzkrieg live up to their name tearing up the place with ‘Sturmwarts’, it’s double kick drums and chainsaw guitars all the way with this one with Carlsband chasing at their heels for a piece of the action.

Thoytonia round the metal section off with suitable angst, all screaming guitars and finger tapping solos kept together by some classy tub-thumping.

Darkest Sky has been releasing one track a week until finally making the album available this week. It looks like a concept album loosely based around the mythic Doggerland with this track being about the flood that carved Britain out from Europe.

Ethno-ambient artist Liholesie finishes the insurgency off with a reworked and re-released version of an early track of his, featuring shamanic drums, pipes and eagle calls.

Elessar and Darkest Sky are on Youtube
MASTER BOOT RECORD and Liholesie are at Bandcamp
Kangz of Blitz are at Soundcloud
Thoytonia are on Rebel Records
Anthrazit are on Leveler Records
Mr Bond is at Minds

00:37 Elessar – Ghost House  - NEW
04:07 Chaos Vector – Hyperborea
08:36 Hollywood Burns -  Black Saucers
13:51 Kangz of Blitz - Last Words - NEW
18:06 Mr. Bond - Camps A Make 'Em Lamps - NEW
22:32 MFV – Paukenschlag
25:57 Confident of Victory - Gestohlene Jahre (Frontalkraft cover)
32:28 Dirlewanger - White Power (Rock n Roll)
37:01 Anthrazit - Halt die Fresse - NEW
41:18 Blitzkrieg - Sturmwarts
45:07 Carlsband - Maria Magdalena
49:05 Thoytonia - Bewahre dein Gesicht - NEW
52:35 Darkest Sky – After the Flood - NEW
57:04 Liholesie - From The Very Depths (reworked version) - NEW

Presented by Eternal Reich

Eternal Reich: Audio Insurgency 26 – ER 103118


Eternal Reich's Audio Insurgency will be back on Radio Aryan next Wednesday at 4pm EDT/9pm BST
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