3 countries with Nationalists leading in the European election polls
Sven Longshanks looks at the ridiculous case of an elderly woman investigated for hate crimes after beeping at a Black man & the recent slanders against Nationalism being made by Merkel, Macron & Donald Tusk.
The elderly woman was trying to get out of a gas station when the car in front tried to block her in, she beeped her horn at him to alert the driver of her presence as instructed to by the highway code and thought nothing more of it, until she heard a knock at the door and the police arrested her on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence.
The embarrassment of this has caused her to stop doing charity work, as any background checks will identify her as an aggressive racist, when all she did was follow the highway code and beep at a car. The hate crime laws are constantly being abused like this, besides them being unconstitutional and doing away with the principle of equality under the law. The police have now responded to pressure by changing the classification to a ‘hate-related-incident’ which sounds even worse.
The only people who will put a stop to this nonsense are Nationalists and we have the globalist politicians on the back foot already. Both Macron and Merkel joined Donald Tusk in making speeches this week denouncing Nationalism and saying that our days are numbered, when it is their days that are numbered. The European Elections are coming up soon and populist parties are way ahead in the polls for them already, particularly in Hungary, France and Italy and Macron is very likely going to lose to Le Pen when they take place in May next year.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Horn Honking is Now Racist – DN 111418
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