Sven Longshanks looks at the content of Theresa May’s treasonous EU deal that has infuriated the whole of Britain and will hopefully see her forced to step down and be replaced.
Countless ministers resigned after she first showed the outline of this deal to her party at Checkers and now the deal has been made public there is uproar in Britain. Once again, the people supposed to be responsible for outlining the deal have been side lined for May to ride rough shod over them and once again, their replacements have resigned. In her desperation May has asked Michael Gove to take the role, but he is reported to have answered only if he can completely renegotiate it.
The deal itself has a clause so that the transition period can take up to 100 years and even be extended after that. It promises ‘a single customs area’ and ‘deep regulatory and customs cooperation’ which is exactly what everyone was voting to stop. It keeps Britain tied to the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union and any new laws that they make. It even hands the fisheries over completely to the EU to do whatever they like with them.
This deal is pure treason and in an ideal world she would be tried for treason in a court of law, real law, common law, and hanged for her crimes along with all the others who wish to sell our sovereignty away to the EU.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: May’s Treasonous Brexit Deal – DN 111618
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