Today's broadcast from Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson is on St. Paisii the Phyletist (1722–1773), the great writer on Bulgarian nationalism.
Also known as Paisius of Hilandar, he was condemned for "nationalism" and his books were banned by Constantinople yet he was Canonized anyway in 1962.
He was the intellectual founder of Bulgarian nationalism from his book The Slavo-Bulgarian History, written in 1766.
Of course, the nation had existed since ancient times, but, under Turkish oppression, it was deliberately kept ignorant of it’s own history.
In 1700 or so, both Turkish occupiers and their Phanar lackeys actually had a program to burn all Bulgarian and Serbian works of history to keep them ignorant and thus, remove that essential foundation for rebellion.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: St Paisii and the Beginning of Bulgarian Nationalism - TON 010318
Download (01:00:59)
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