In 'Rally For Forrest', Billy starts the New Year out right, hard right, with another daring activist exploit of the kind for which he is most famous. Working with other nationally known White Nationalist and Confederate leaders and spokesmen, he begins by inviting all patriots to Memphis, Tennessee, for a 'Rally For Forrest' at noon on Saturday, January 6th at Health Sciences park on Union Avenue, the gravesite of Confederate General and founder of the Ku Klux Klan Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife.
Along the way, Mr. Roper spends the first half of the program discussing his political predictions and prognostications for 2018, which may surprise a lot of listeners. To quote a famous singer, we have to keep our eyes on the road and our hands upon the wheel, because the future is uncertain, and the end is always near. Will the New Year bring civil war? World War? Nuclear war? Or just continually accelerating polarization, division, and balkanization? No matter what comes, The ShieldWall Network is working to be ready.
In the second half of the show, Billy gives the full history of the General Nathan Bedford Forrest statue and park, along with the battle between carpetbaggers and scallywags who conspired to remove it, and those who wished to preserve their people and their people's heritage and history. He talks about the conspirators and criminals and names names, listing them and their crimes specifically, before discussing the coming 'Rally For Forrest' January 6th in perhaps one of the most challenging cities for a pro-White event: Memphis.
The primary rally will be held at noon, Tom Lee Park, 357 Riverside Dr., Memphis, Tennessee, on Saturday, January 6th.
Presented by Billy Roper
The Roper Report: Rally for Forrest - TRR 010318
Download (01:08:54)
The Roper Report will be back next Wednesday on Radio Aryan at 4pm EST/9pm GMT.
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