Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise discuss Part 18 of his new documentary series, which looks at the Polish provocation that led to the war.
Germany’s White book contained four times as many documents as the British Blue book, because the British Blue book left out entirely what had led up to Germany invading Poland.
Hundreds of thousands of German refugees were at the border fleeing from Polish attacks that were leaving men, women and children mutilated and dead. The bodies found once Germany had liberated Danzig proved this had been going on for months, not once the Blitzkrieg began.
Poland had been given assurances from Britain that if Germany retaliated for their provocations, France and Britain would then have their excuse for war. A war which the bankers were demanding after Hitler modified the banking system to cut their middlemen out of it.
Roosevelt is even on record talking of America joining the war once it had begun to the exiled Czech president.
The documents that became the White book were confirmed as genuine by historians and diplomats, but the British prevented their publication in America and announced they must be forgeries. They were not allowed to be entered into the Nuremberg trials because they proved Germany’s innocence in starting the war.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise
Truth Will Out Radio: Who Really Started the War? – TWOR 020119
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