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Aryan Britannia: Nigel the Narcissist – AB 041519


Sven Longshanks and Max Musson discuss the Nationalist parties in the upcoming EU elections, the centenary of the Amritsar massacre and the sacking of Roger Scruton by the Conservative party for being a genuine conservative.

Thanks to the treason of the establishment parties the date for leaving the EU has now been put back to October 31st. The option of leaving on WTO terms which is what Brexit actually is, has been taken off the table.

This means Britain will be taking part in the EU elections and UKIP have announced that one of their candidates will be Carl Benjamin. Tommy Robinson is hoping to be a candidate too, but UKIP’s constitution is currently standing in his way. He has hinted that even if he can’t stand for UKIP, he would stand as an Independent.

Nigel Farage has decided to split the vote with his Brexit party in order to harm UKIP’s chances, just like he used UKIP to harm the BNP’s chances. Farage has really shown his true colours over the last two years, he is clearly just in this for himself and not for the good of his nation or even his country.

All 3 civic nationalist parties should be working together, but he is refusing to have anything to do with UKIP, calling them ‘Far Right’ and doing exactly the same to them that was done to him by the Left, in a display of absolute hypocrisy. He deserves to get a sound thrashing by Batten in the election, but his charisma will probably prevent that.

One hundred years ago in Amritsar province India there was a massacre and there have been calls for Britain to retroactively apologise for it. The story being told is that hundreds of defenceless peace loving Indians were needlessly slaughtered while at a religious festival. The truth is that in that area a White woman had been raped and murdered and there were uprisings and riots happening all over India. Marshall law was declared in Amritsar and any gathering of 4 or more people was declared illegal. When the Indians ignored the warnings and gathered, the colonel ordered his native troops to fire upon the criminals which they did.

He was cleared of wrong doing by the House of Commons, but a year later was asked to retire. As proof of what may have happened if he had not dispersed the Indians in such a harsh and brutal way, you only have to look at what happened once the British left India. Things got so bad that the Hindus were slaughtering their own women to prevent the Moslems from raping them first.

There have been calls to teach more about the history of the British Empire in schools, but obviously not the good things the British empire did, like prevent wars between Moslems and Hindus.

Roger Scruton also lost his position last week in the Conservative Party for being mildly politically incorrect in an obvious man trap of an interview set up by the far left magazine The New Statesman. His crime was speaking the truth about why Orban won the vote in Hungary and stating that ‘islamophobia’ is just a word invented by the Moslem Brotherhood to silence criticism of Islam.

This shows that it doesn’t matter who you are, if you have a different opinion to the one given by the establishment, they will try to silence you. A plurality of opinion cannot be allowed in the globalist world, despite the fact that democracy relies upon it in order to function.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson

Aryan Britannia: Nigel the Narcissist – AB 041519


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