Andy Donner begins by reminding listeners to watch out for crypto-Jews in Nationalism, before explaining why ‘waking people up’ is a waste of our efforts.
For decades Nationalists have been trying to ‘wake people up’ thinking that if only people are shown enough facts they will change their outlook, but facts don’t motivate people.
An example of this would be Tom Metzger’s mailbox, that was being watched by hostile agents. There was proof of this which was sent round the whole movement, but nobody cared.
A recent poll was also published that showed the Northwest is full of conservatives and not liberals, but people still ignore that and claim it is full of liberals.
Knowledge is very effectively sourced on the internet, but people have to be looking for it and find it out for themselves for it to be effective.
If they are looking for ways to disprove it, it doesn’t matter how many facts you throw at them, in fact, it may cause them to dig their heels in all the more.
This is why the Northwest Front don’t try to ‘wake people up’.
Jason adds that this is not trying to downplay the importance of racial education and knowledge, just to say that there is no magic bullet set of statistics that will work on somebody not first interested in learning them.
It is the increasing insanity of the Left that wakes people up, not us.
Gretchen reviews Tom Sunic’s ‘Homo Americanus’ which is a non-American perspective on Americans with many fascinating insights, such as communism’s aims failing in the east, because they were realised better in the west.
The panel discussion about the founding felons continues, explaining how the constitution only worked because they had learned to be good people through hardships.
Presented by Andy Donner
Radio Free Northwest: Waking People Up – RFN 041819
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