Sven Longshanks looks at a case of 3 children with gender issues all within the same family and 17 children within 1 school, which shows environment is clearly a factor in this growing problem.
A couple who foster children have just been cleared by a judge in the family courts of manipulating a child’s gender, after they sent a 4-year-old boy in their care to school in a dress.
Previous to this they legally changed the identity of their 7-year-old son to being female, despite him saying he hated his life afterwards.
A third child has also had gender identity issues after being fostered by them, but the judge thought this was all just a coincidence, after a trans ‘expert’ spoke in court and said that gender dysphoria could not be caused by environmental factors or interpersonal influence.
This goes directly against the evidence of a whistle blower teacher, who ended up with 17 children in one school claiming to be trans, after they saw the attention and power that it gained for the first one.
The judge admitted that this was all a big experiment, but despite nobody knowing what messing with a child’s gender will do their heads when they grow up, or the damage that will be caused to their bodies by adding the wrong hormones at a young age, the judge still exonerated the foster parents.
It seems even when the evidence is unquestionable that the trans confusion has been caused by adults, the establishment will still only listen to the so called ‘experts’ about it, who are nearly always activists and rarely are genuine experts.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Three Trannies in One Family is Just a Coincidence – DN 051319
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