Sven Longshanks and Max Musson look at details in a report that claims MPs are fearful for their lives due to death threats and how they need a new law to protect them.
Mayor Khan is so concerned that he has given himself round the clock police protection, but 237 out of the 250 alleged threats against him were just on social media.
A Freedom of Information request shows that 3/4 of all the ‘death threats’ the politicians claim are interfering with their ability to do their job, were just disgruntled citizens venting their spleen on Twitter and Facebook.
They are planning on making a new law of ‘intimidating parliamentary candidates and party campaigners during the run-up to an election’ seeming completely unaware of the hypocrisy in this, when they have been cheering on and encouraging people to physically attack Tommy Robinson and the UKIP candidates in the EU elections.
While the cosseted politicians look out for their own interests we have non-Whites being let off without a jail sentence for threatening to get a gun and kill ‘english pigs’ and ‘white scum’ before threatening to rape a man’s wife and children. This was on top of a list of similar threats aimed at White people including police.
There are few politicians who would do anything to make this situation any better, but at least we have Tommy, UKIP and Farage standing in the EU election and a newly released poll shows the Brexit party now more popular than the Tories if there was a general election, predicting them to win more seats than the conservatives and become the official opposition.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson
Aryan Britannia: Death Threats and Election Intimidation – AB 051319
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