Sven Longshanks looks at the latest holohoaxer to be exposed, Trump’s visit to Britain and the Brexit Party at the top of the national polls, the first time ever for a new party.
German author Marie Sophie Hingst claimed 22 members of her family were gassed to death at Auschwitz, her blog won an award and was read by a quarter of a million people and she was an official spokesman for so-called victims of the holocaust.
She has now been caught out for making it all up, but that didn’t stop the Yad Veshem holohoax centre confirming and authorising her story.
It took local archivists to bravely point out she was lying, as they could have been arrested for ‘holocaust denial’ in doing so, which highlights the real reason for those laws existing.
Donald Trump is in Britain today and has not let us down with his tweets, calling the Pakistani Mayor Khan ‘a stone cold loser’ who should be concentrating on the crime in his city instead of the most important ally Britain has.
He has also been voicing his support for Boris Johnson as new leader of the Conservative Party, but if that party does not carry out a proper Brexit in October, then the polls are predicting that Nigel Farage will be the next one.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: ‘Artistic Freedom’ With the Gas Chambers – DN 060319
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