Sven Longshanks looks at signs of ‘extremism’ in the army, the collapse of another alleged National Action trial and Elton John’s disgust at Russia removing all the gay porn from the movie of his life.
Not content with adverts for snowflakes and cry babies, the British army is so progressive and woke that it has managed to overtake the dictionary in political correctness. According to the army, patriotism is a sign of ‘right wing extremism’ but according to a dictionary of the current year, it means ‘the passion which moves a person to serve his country, either in defending it from invasion or in protecting it’s rights and maintaining it’s laws and institutions’. The driving force behind the motivation for joining the army in other words.
After 24 days out deliberating, the jury has not been able to reach even a majority verdict on Alice Cutter and her co-accused being members of National Action. In a country that followed it’s own laws and constitution that would mean they had to be found ‘not guilty’, but this is modern Britain and according to the courts, it means they must all be tried again in front of a different jury until the judge gets the verdict that he wants.
She will be able to go home because she is a girl, but the three young men accused alongside her will be placed back on remand in prison while accused of being terrorists, just like in the last alleged National Action trial that was also unable to reach a verdict and also saw three innocent men jailed for up to 18 months.
Those show trials must be costing the country a fortune.
Elton John has been in the news moaning about Brexit, but also because he has been promoting a new movie based upon his life. Of course the film is full of deviant homosexual acts at Elton’s insistence, which means that in Russia it has had to be censored, to prevent any children being scandalised. This has infuriated the arrogant sodomite, but has brought a smile to the face of millions of normal people around the world who don’t think children should be forced to watch things like that.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Britannia: Positive Censorship – AB 060619
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