Sven Longshanks looks at an accusation of genocide being made against the Canadian State, because the aborigines just cant stop killing and raping one other.
All the former colonies are having this happen to them in one way or another, the defeated aborigines who owe their very lives to the White man are complaining that being allowed to live and join civilisation was somehow akin to genocide.
The real genocide is of the White people who are being replaced by them.
The aborigines in Canada are largely responsible for the deaths of their women, but a new report states the reason for it is because aborigine language is not one of the main languages spoken in Canada.
Remedies to stop the ‘genocide’ include giving them new houses, giving the homeless new shelters and paying for all the women to have cars.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: The Canadian ‘Genocide’ – DN 060419
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