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Church of the Lampshade: Nationalism is Practical Christianity – GL 060419


Grandpa Lampshade hosts The Church of the Lampshade, bringing together the remnant of Christianity to discover the truths of the spiritual realm as well as ones right here on earth.

We're doing something a bit different this week and discuss why we do the show and why I believe it's important.

For unbelievers, they see religion and trying to preserve our nations as two separate issues, but I do not believe this to be the case. This week we will discuss why they are both very much intertwined and inseparable. It is possibly going to wind up being a bit more preachy in the first half than usual, but so be it. This is an important discussion worth having.

In our sermon we will be continuing with the Meaning of Life series based on the book of Ecclesiastes. We are nearing the end of it now and I hope it has been as informative and spiritually uplifting for you, as it has been for me. We will more than likely finish with this next week and there is some really meaningful subject matter this week that you are not going to want to miss.

As always, thank you to those who continue to support me and my work and please continue to pray for me as I continue to pray for you. We are the remnant of Christianity and while we are not all there is of the remnant, I truly feel blessed in being able to fellowship with you all.

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Presented by Grandpa Lampshade

Church of the Lampshade: Nationalism is Practical Christianity – GL 060419


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