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The Orthodox Nationalist: Stalin the Zionist – TON 022619


Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson exposes the Soviet support for Zionism and explodes the myth that Stalin was ‘anti-Semitic’.

The myth that the Soviets were anti-Zionist has taken a long time to die. Given the realities of the immediate post-war world, once the US promised to finance Israel, opposition to Zionism in Russia then became opposition to the US. Stalin was never anti-Semitic and never anti-Zionist. The opposite is true. The creation of Israel was made possible by the position of Stalin, made manifest by an infamous speech from Andrei Gromyko, where his lavish praise and support of Zionist aims was announced to the UN. 

Gromyko's speech in 1947 read in part: "During the last war, the Jewish people experienced exceptional sorrow and suffering. Without any exaggeration, [one can say] this sorrow and suffering are indescribable. It is difficult to express them in dry statistics on the Jewish victims of the fascist aggressors. The Jews in territories where the Hitlerites held sway were subjected to almost complete physical annihilation. . . Large numbers of the surviving Jews of Europe were deprived of their countries, their homes, and their livelihood. Hundred of thousands of Jews are wandering about in various countries of Europe in search of livelihood and in search of shelter. A large number of them are in camps for displaced persons and are still suffering great privations." Thus was Soviet support for Zionism made clear to the world.

The myth that Stalin was anti-Zionist partly comes from the later rejection of Zionism by the USSR once the US took over its financing. Clearly, the US was in a far better position than the USSR. The USSR was a proponent and supporter of Zionism consistently until it became clear the US was the “better deal” for the Jews.

Presented by Matt Johnson

The Orthodox Nationalist: Stalin the Zionist – TON 022619


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