Plenty of variety from the synth sounds tonight, crossing all genres, times and places before moving into ultra fast folk metal, black metal and grindcore with your host Eternal Reich.
Andreas Johansson begins with laid back beats on a hazy summer’s morning and spoken word, before Cult of Neon’s swirling synths and distorted bass make an appearance from Serbia.
Emmett Brown chops up the samples and adds black metal keyboards for a Daft Punk style groove and then we are heading all the way back to Kraftwerk in the seventies, for a new tune from Europaweite Aussichten.
Graeda from Switzerland rides that middle ground between synthwave and ambient, leading nicely into Holon’s masterpiece of an intergalactic soundscape ‘A World in Freefall’.
Iron Court gets the boots marching with a techno beat and plenty of hammer on anvil industrial sounds, while Paleowolf use the same beat to go all tribal on us.
Sylac builds the final futuristic slice of funk adding layer after layer of loops and synths, preparing the way for a blast of neo-folk metal synthwave courtesy of Russia’s Stozhar.
Edelweiss don’t let the anticipation down, following that up with something totally different with influences from everywhere in their unique blend of operatic metal and grindcore.
Medieval chants next and we are into black metal territory with a hint of rock ‘n roll from Totenburg, before W.U.T. hit us with a barrow full of hardcore and Ultima Frontiera finish the show off with some Italian identity rock.
Andreas Johansson and Graeda are at soundcloud
Europaweite Aussichten
Stozhar are at vk
Edelweiss, W.U.T. and Ultima Frontiera are at 88.nsm
00:35 Andreas Johansson - Our Roots - NEW
03:31 Cult of Neon – Only God Forgives
07:19 Emmett Brown – Wretched Heathens
10:41 Europaweite Aussichten – Euroklang - NEW
14:43 Graeda – Midnight Sun – NEW
18:48 Holon – A World in Freefall
23:54 Iron Court – Night March
28:39 Paleowolf – Thundertribe
30:20 Sylac – Outgrow Your Programming
34:37 Stozhar - Cold Battles in the Arms of Winter - NEW
42:15 Edelweiss - Untrennbares Band – NEW
49:32 Totenburg - Leichenfeuer
55:59 W.U.T. - D.G.V.A - NEW
59:05 Ultima Frontiera - Tornera La Primavera – NEW
Presented by Eternal Reich
Eternal Reich: Audio Insurgency 59 – ER 062619
Eternal Reich's Audio Insurgency will be back on Radio Aryan next Wednesday at 4pm EDT/9pm BST
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