Matthew Heimbach joins Sven Longshanks to discuss the collapse of the NSM and the lawsuit he is facing for attending the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville two years back.
Matt was not long in the NSM before both he and Jeff Schoep resigned, due to a lack of will to modernise the organisation in line with European National Socialist movements.
The NSM claimed they sacked Matt for being a communist, when all he did was try to get the group helping the wider White community.
Jeff Schoep handed the leadership of the group over to a Black civil rights activist in disgust, but also due to the lawfare being used against them.
Matt himself is being pursued in a civil case, by attorneys who are hoping to set a precedent where Nationalists will be banned from meeting publicly and exercising their free speech rights.
Due to financial constraints, Matt is having to represent himself in the case.
Presented by Sven Longshanks with Matthew Heimbach
The Daily Nationalist: Matt Heimbach on UTR Lawfare and the NSM Split – DN 070919
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