Grandpa Lampshade asks whether assimilation is even possible, let alone a solution to our problems before asking whether people have the potential to be more wicked than Satan.
Church of the Lampshade is back! That’s right: installment number 22 of the show is coming your way and as always, we have a great line up of topics to discuss this week. A big thank you to those who support our work financially. If you wish to be a part of that, please see the information at the bottom of this page.
Our pre-sermon discussion this week is on the topic of assimilation. I saw this come up again recently online and thought this was definitely one subject that needed going over again. Often people will talk about assimilation as being the solution for the problems facing our nations. “The problem isn’t immigration, the problem is these people aren’t assimilating” they will say. It has long been my contention that assimilation is not even possible, let alone desirable. Instead what people have do is observe a basic aspect of human nature and then attribute this non existent term “assimilation” to it.
Our sermon this week deals with what I believe is a very uncomfortable question: are people potentially more wicked than Satan? This is uncomfortable because if the answer is “Yes”, then that means that each and every one of us has this potential for wickedness. When we observe extreme examples of wickedness, it is easier to attribute it to an outside force (in this case the devil) than it is to face and acknowledge that evil at some level or another exists in each and every one of us. However when you pursue the truth, you look for the truth no matter how uncomfortable it may make you.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the show this week. It’s encouraging to know that so many come back week in and week out, as you must be getting something out of it. Thank you for your prayers and support. If you wish to financially support our work on the show, please see below.
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Presented by Grandpa Lampshade
Church of the Lampshade: The Assimilation Scam – GL 071619
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