Brave Dr Kirsty Entwistle has gone public about a monstrous trans-sexual medical experiment being carried out upon our innocent children
Sven Longshanks highlights an NHS whistle-blower who worked at the trans-gender children’s clinic and the shocking increase in children being given untested hormone busting chemicals on advice from the internet.
An NHS whistle-blower has broken cover to warn about the trans-gender clinic giving children trans-gender ‘treatment’ when they are more likely to have something else wrong with them.
Nobody is turned away from the clinic, all patients are being given treatment regardless of the symptoms they are showing.
On top of that, there are now many ‘families’ transitioning their children against the advice of doctors, because crazy trannies on the internet have been encouraging them to.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: NHS Whistle-Blower Speaks Out About Trans – DN 072219
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