The possible new governor of the Bank of England Raghuram Rajan, who does not even have a degree in economics.
Sven Longshanks and Max Musson cover the situation between Britain and Iran, before discussing the inherent flaws in capitalism with reference to a possible Indian governor of the Bank of England.
Phillip Hammond has announced his resignation as chancellor if Boris is elected, which shows he knows himself that he did a terrible job, or he would have faith in his ability to be indispensable once there is a new Prime Minister.
Whoever the new PM is, they don’t just have Brexit to deal with but also Iran. It is inconceivable that Britain was not expecting them to retaliate for the theft of their oil tanker, so why were the British oil tankers not being escorted through the Strait of Hormuz?
An Indian is the front runner in the competition to be the new governor of the Bank of England, but would that not mean that once he left he would be taking all the British banking insider information with him to another country?
This idea that people are interchangeable and that everyone has a right to make as much profit as they can from everyone else is unnatural and unsustainable.
If the environmental protesters really want to make our lives sustainable, then they need to be looking at putting Nationalist principles at the heart of their ideology.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson
Aryan Britannia: Capitalism and the Environment – AB 072219
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