Sven Longshanks briefly talks about Greta Thunberg and the UK Supreme Court ruling, before explaining why Nationalism is not just a political persuasion but an all-encompassing creed or belief.
It is no surprise that Greta Thunberg is being held up as a leader for children, she is the most badly behaved spoilt brat ever to be given screen time and is a good example of what happens when there is a lack of parental spanking.
The Supreme Court have shown they are entirely political and the latest displays of smugness and arrogance on the part of the opposition means Boris Johnson is bound to win by a landslide if there is a general election, which is why they are doing all they can to deny him one.
In US law there is a promise not to interfere with a person’s creed and in British law there is similar, but it is called a belief. Nationalism fits this description perfectly, it is an all-encompassing view that should be directing how we live our lives. It is far more than just a political persuasion and as such, we should be protected from prosecution because of it.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Nationalism is Our Creed – DN 092419
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